Holsworthy Spring Convention 2018—Booking Form

Saturday 24 February 2018 10.00 – 16:30 Doors open 09.00

Cost: Holsworthy branch members – £16.   All others – £18

The cost includes lunch

The money will be collected on the day.

This form can be used to book a place at the 2018 Holsworthy Spring Convention.
Please complete all the boxes in the booking form and then click the 'submit' button.
Note that the form can only be used to book one person at a time, for a second delegate please complete a new form

You will receive an email confirming the booking. Please ensure that your email system allows messages from springconvention@holsworthybeekeepers.org.uk
to pass through your spam checker

If there are any queries about booking, please email: maves99@gmail.com or phone Linda Davis on 01598 710107

To cancel and return to the convention page click here

''Let's Raise a Few Queens'' — Val Vivian Griffiths & Adam Parker

'Spring Management' — Jim Vivian Griffiths

'Enhancing your garden for flower visitors' – Steve & Karin Alton

Script based on Jem's PHP Mail Form
